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15 June 2022 - 16 June 2022
Social Sciences and Humanities opportunities in Horizon Europe Cluster 6


Are you planning to coordinate a Cluster 6 proposal and would you like to have a flash presentation on your idea? Or would you like to advertise your SSH expertise?

If so, please record a short video (2-5min) with PowerPoint and send it to Queen's EU office (euoffice@qub.ac.uk) and AFBI (agrifoodnicp@gmail.com)
by 6th June 2022. Your video will be uploaded on a dedicated 'SSH in Cluster 6' YouTube channel and linked to your Marketplace profile.

In order to cover all key points, we encourage you to look at our templates:

If you do not know how to record a video using PowerPoint, YouTube offers a wealth of tutorials (e.g., the short tutorial by ‘Ready Steady Excel’).

We also recommend you to use the ‘Profiling & Marketplace’ tab to advertise your project idea or expertise and we will link your Youtube pitch to your Marketplace profile.

Pitching training available for Northern Ireland and Irish participants

InterTradeIreland will organise a pitching training in May. Please note that the number of seats will be limited. If you are interested, please contact Ms Grainne Lennon (grainne.lennon@intertradeireland.com

Get Pitching!

Closed since 15 June 2022
Organised by
Participants 242
Meetings 49
Ireland 38
United Kingdom 36
France 23
Poland 17
South Africa 14
Ukraine 13
Spain 12
Portugal 11
Italy 8
Cyprus 8
Netherlands 7
Belgium 7
Croatia 7
Hungary 6
Israel 6
Switzerland 5
Germany 4
Romania 4
Türkiye 3
Greece 3
India 2
Finland 2
Austria 2
Uruguay 1
Malta 1
Iceland 1
Ethiopia 1
Albania 1
Japan 1
Slovakia 1
Colombia 1
Total 246
University 132
R&D Institution 40
Company (SME) 25
Other 15
Authority/Government 14
Association/Agency 13
Start-up 6
Total 245
Profile views
Before event 1245
After event 195
Total 1440