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15 June 2022 - 16 June 2022
Social Sciences and Humanities opportunities in Horizon Europe Cluster 6

Terms of participation – Horizon Europe - Social Sciences and Humanities opportunities in the Food, Bioeconomy, Natural Resources, Agriculture and Environment cluster.

By registering for this Brokerage Event you accept the following terms, conditions and privacy statement.

    • Participants must identify the key areas they are interested in within their profile to help collaboration and 1:1 meetings.
    • Your profile will only be published once you fulfil all the registration steps/requirements.
    • All Participants should publish at least one marketplace (collaboration profile): product, service, project cooperation, request or investment opportunity seeking or offering SSH expertise in relation to one or more of the anticipated areas of the Horizon Europe Cluster 6.
    • Multiple participants per organisation/project are allowed, however their marketplace and partnering objectives should be clearly different.  We reserve the right to remove additional participants per organisation if this is profiles are not clearly different.
    • Cancellations will only be managed through the platform. In this way, the other participant and the organizers will be automatically notified, and the schedule will be always updated.
    • The organizers reserve the right to give your personal contact details to the participants with whom you have booked a meeting.
    • This activity is funded by Innovate UK EDGE and the European Commission and the feedback of your participation is required under this activity. Therefore, you are asked to notify any collaboration agreements that you reach with other Brokerage Event participants to the organizer and/or co-organizer. This information will be treated confidentially.[
    • Participants must inform the organizers about the meetings with other Brokerage Event participants even if they are held outside the Brokerage space.
    • The organizers might further promote your cooperation profile/s through Innovate UK EDGE and the EEN network market place.

Closed since 15 June 2022
Organised by
Participants 242
Meetings 49
Ireland 38
United Kingdom 36
France 23
Poland 17
South Africa 14
Ukraine 13
Spain 12
Portugal 11
Italy 8
Cyprus 8
Netherlands 7
Belgium 7
Croatia 7
Hungary 6
Israel 6
Switzerland 5
Germany 4
Romania 4
Türkiye 3
Greece 3
India 2
Finland 2
Austria 2
Uruguay 1
Malta 1
Iceland 1
Ethiopia 1
Albania 1
Japan 1
Slovakia 1
Colombia 1
Total 246
University 132
R&D Institution 40
Company (SME) 25
Other 15
Authority/Government 14
Association/Agency 13
Start-up 6
Total 245
Profile views
Before event 1245
After event 195
Total 1440